Bills and documents under collection
First - Documentary Collection for import:
The process by which the collecting bank recovers the value of documents by order of the correspondent bank and the exporter in exchange for the delivery of documents to the importer. Documents are subject to the provisions of banking customs of collection, note number 522 for the year 1993.
Inward documentary Collection:
Required documents
Commercial invoice : original
Duly notarized by chambers of commerce abroad if coming from one of the correspondents abroad, or by the chief of the Investment Service if coming from the free zone inside and outside the governorate.
Certificate of origin: original
Duly notarized by chambers of commerce abroad. If the origin is clearly and candidly stated on the invoice, the certificate of origin may be disregarded. Certificates coming from Dubai are not accepted, as the signature is electronic.
Bill of lading: original
There are three main cases for lading:
1- Road freight: the invoice may either arrive with the documents by the correspondent, stamped by the freight company or it may be submitted directly by the importer to the bank if it arrived with the driver upon the arrival of the goods, and contents of which must be identical to the invoice and certificate of origin regarding the importer’s name, the exporter’s name and the goods and their weights. Otherwise, the importer may provide a delivery note for admitting the goods which must be duly stamped by the customs’ secretariat.
2- Air freight: the importer provides the bank with the original bills of lading together with the original delivery note, stamped by the airlines. The number of the bill of lading and name of importer must be stated thereon.
3- Sea freight: marine bill of lading must be duly submitted with the documents brought by the foreign correspondent.
Some of the kinds of shipments: – Rail shipment – parcel posts, the delivery note is considered as a bill of landing for the documents issued by free zones.
Other received certificates:
Some certificates may be included in the documents and which the bank submits to the importer upon the withdrawal of documents without any seal in order to make the clearing process possible, and such certificates are:
- Health certificate
- Agricultural certificate
- Certificate of radioactivity
- Packing and weight lists
Second- Documentary Collection for export:
Required documents
- Negotiable instrument notarized by one of the Syrian chambers of commerce, and issued to the order of the foreign importer, i.e. the drawee, and stating the following:
- Name of drawee, foreign importer
- Description of goods to be exported by this instrument
- Quantity and quality of the goods, detailing numbers and weights
- Bill of landing issued by one of the approved shipping companies which operates in the country under the following conditions:
- Bill of landing must be issued by the shipper to the order of the drawee (foreign importer) or to the order of the correspondent bank, the receptor of documents.
- Certificate of origin must be notarized by one of the country’s chambers of commerce.
- Packing lists (if any).
- Weight lists (if any).
- Documents and other certificates under the request of the drawee abroad.