Bank guarantee
A Letter in which the bank pledges to pay a sum of money to the beneficiary within an indicated period of time at the beneficiary’s request and on behalf of a third party (secured customer)
The Guarantee involves five parties:
- Guarantor (the bank issuing the guaranty)
- Beneficiary (recipient party)
- Secured party (person by whose request the assurance was issued)
- The Sum (sum of money indicated in the assurance contract and within the maturity date)
- Objective (for which the assurance was issued)
Kinds of guarantees:
- Bid bond (Tender guarantee)
- Performance bond (final guarantee)
- Loan bond or advance payment guarantee
Forms of guarantees:
- Internal guarantees
- External guarantees
The Commercial Bank of Syria issues local guarantees which cover %100 of collateral value or by banking facilitations and partial reserves granted to the customer by the bank.